In spring 2017, we implemented some measures for reducing occasions of bear visits to settlements in Slovenia: the bear-proof garbage containers and bear-proof compost bins were set in various locations in bear core area in Slovenia for the first time. Their purpose is to reduce frequency of bear approaching to the settlements. After the first year of use, they are serving their aims very well, even if they were exposed to various weather conditions. Local inhabitants are highly satisfied with both, compost bins and garbage containers. They also showed high awareness about their importance and report significantly less bear encounters. You can find detailed information about measurements on each location in our technical reposts on the links below:
Proper use and operation of the bear-proof garbage cans and compost bins in Kostel
Proper use and operation of the bear-proof garbage cans and compost bins in Rakitna
Proper use and operation of the bear-proof garbage cans and compost bins in Loška dolina
Proper use and operation of the bear-proof garbage cans and compost bins in Ig
Proper use and operation of the bear-proof compost bins in Ribnica and Sodražica