Bear-proof compost bins, developed for the first time in the LIFE DINALP BEAR project in Slovenia, are an important measure for reducing the frequency of bears wandering into settlements. Bears that learn to obtain food in human settlements on organic waste, are a source of conflict with local inhabitants. Bear-proof compost bins are thus key to a successful solution to this problem, as they prevent bears from accessing food, so that bears do not return to such places.
We are pleased when the project solutions prove to be very useful also outside the project area. Still during the project, the project team was contacted by interested public from other European countries, but the word spread across the Atlantic to North America, as well. Also there, residents want to contribute to a successful solution to the problem when bears (both black and brown bears) search through their composts, when looking for food.
For this purpose, translated and edited English version of instructions for assembling bear-proof compost bins was prepared (we sincerely thank for this collaboration) and updated with additional photographs that more clearly illustrate the assembly, when you produce it yourself.
Some additional useful pictures can be obtained also in our previous news (contacts of the carpenter who produces bear-proof compost bins in Slovenia; video of the testing phase; be careful to properly anchor the composter).
Our team is absolutely thrilled to see that the project’s mission – contributing to reduce conflicts between human and bear, and spreading best practice that promote successful coexistence – is well into action. We have already reported on good practices developed in the project, which are transferred to other projects and local communities, where they are further upgraded and spread. We are proud of the trustful cooperation we have established with some stakeholders and interest groups, as the promotion of tolerant dialogue and joint efforts in developing and implementing the effective measures contributes to a key step towards successful use of coexistence measures in the local environment.
We are pleased that the measures established in the Slovenian, project and European context can be successfully transferred to other areas. On all continents, people face the challenge of coexisting and reducing conflicts with wildlife. It is important that successful solutions and applied knowledge and experience are transferred and adapted to all environments.