ACTION A.2 – Attitudes of humans toward bears and brown bear management
Mangers are increasingly making efforts to take into account public opinion when making management decisions on one hand, and on the other hand public awareness campaigns (E actions) and actions targeting conflict mitigation (C actions) are often used as tools to improve human attitudes toward wildlife and wildlife management decisions. One of the main expected results of the project is improved public acceptance of bears. The analysis of public attitudes carried out as a part of this action in all four participating countries will provide a baseline for evaluation of this expected result that will be carried out within the frame of D actions, as well as allow for better preparation and targeting of the public awareness campaign. Besides producing a report on public attitudes toward bears, a workshop on utilisation of the results in dissemination and awareness raising activities will be organized and a policy brief prepared.
Latest A.2 actions:
A communication workshop coming up!
“Communication in large carnivore conservation and management” is a title of a networking and experience exchange workshop, which will be [...]
Public attitudes towards bears and bear management
We used structured survey to analyse public perceptions about human-bear conflicts and about potential solutions to human-bear conflicts on a [...]
Focus groups about bears and bear management
Understanding public attitudes towards bears and bear management is one of the key requirements for successful planning of management measures. [...]
Attitudes of humans toward bears and brown bear management in Croatia
Within a scope of Action A.2 of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project named „Attitudes of humans toward bears and brown [...]