ACTION D.2 – Evaluation (monitoring) of the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented to prevent traffic related bear mortality

Although efficiency of different mitigation measures for reducing the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions has already been confirmed, the lack of data on behaviour of bears around such structures still hampers their use. This makes this action essential for getting a better understanding of brown bear ethology and for confirmation of the efficiency of the mitigation measures used. Prior to measures implementation, locations along the highway will be monitored where higher incidence of collisions with animals, especially bears, were recorded. Wildlife surveillance motion-sensitive cameras will be used and based on the the results, jump-out ramps and one-way gates will be placed along the highway. After installation of the electric fence along the highway, IR surveillance cameras with recording systems will be set up to monitor the efficiency and to document changes in bear behaviour (crossing patterns).

In Croatia, 4 brown bears will be captured in Gorski Kotar region near Highway A6 and fitted with GPS telemetry collars. Approaching and eventual crossings of the highway on the crossing structures (including green bridges etc.) or by climbing the highway fence will be recorded. The effectiveness of all implemented mitigation measures on actual reduction of bear mortality will be statistically analysed. Prepared reports will enable sustainable planning of road/railway infrastructure in the future, considering also the issue of reducing bear traffic mortality.

Poster – Brown bears coping with Croatian highways

Evaluation (monitoring) of the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented to prevent traffic related bear mortality 2015

Evaluation (monitoring) of the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented to prevent traffic related bear mortality 2016

Evaluation (monitoring) of the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented to prevent traffic related bear mortality 2017

Monitoring of the effectiveness of mitigation measures in Slovenia_2018

Monitoring of the effectiveness of mitigation measures in Slovenia_2019

Video surveillance near the sensors of dynamic traffic signs in Slovenia_examples in 2018

Video surveillance near the sensors of dynamic traffic signs in Slovenia_examples in 2019

Effectiveness of implemented measures on Croatian highway_Final report

Effectiveness of mitigation measures on Croatian highway, monitored with camera-trapping

Radio-collared brown bear movements around the highway RIJEKA-ZAGREB in Croatia

Latest D.2 actions:

Traffic related bear mortality – yearly report on effectiveness of mitigation measures

In the second half of the year 2017 and the first half of 2018, we continued monitoring the effectiveness of [...]

A new leaflet about reducing brown bear-vehicle collisions in Slovenia

Mitigation measures for reducing traffic-caused bear mortality are important from two aspects: decreasing bear injury or mortality and traffic accident [...]

Reducing traffic-bear mortality in Slovenia

A female bear with three cubs wandered on a highway Ljubljana-Maribor in Vransko district in the night from 10th to [...]

Preventing traffic related bear mortality in Slovenia

In 2016, we were monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented to prevent traffic related bear mortality along sections of [...]

Video surveillance of bears in the area of state road Ljubljana – Kočevje in 2016

The second video surveillance to monitor the presence and behaviour of bears and other wildlife in the vicinity of the [...]

September 28th, 2016|Bear mortality, D2 Traffic related mortality|

Video surveillance of bears in the area of state roads

The first video surveillance to monitor the presence and behaviour of bears in the vicinity of the state roads in [...]

December 30th, 2015|Bear mortality, D2 Traffic related mortality|