ACTION A.1 – Analysis of the damage cases and bear intervention group interventions, preparation of guidelines for intervention group protocols

Public attitudes towards bears highly depend on the presence of problematic bears and number of damage cases. Reducing human-bear conflicts will effectively improve public attitudes. To improve the dealing with conflict cases we will analyse past experiences (1) of bear intervention group interventions, and (2) make a spatial analysis of human-bear conflicts in the project area and evaluate effects of various factors that may influence the amount of damages.
Predicting potential conflict hot-spots is important in order to prepare effective prevention plans. Additionally, best practice guidelines for bear intervention groups will be written, resulting in a common protocol. A common protocol for members of Bear Intervention Group will improve data comparison and monitoring of temporal dynamics of human-bear conflicts, which importantly affects bear management decisions. Guidelines for actions recommended for different situations will enable more transparent and effective work of Bear Intervention Groups, as well as increase group’s credibility in the public.

Guidelines for bear intervention groups (Action A.1)

Protokol za delovanje intervencijske skupine (in Slovenian; Action E.2)

Analysis of occurrence of human-bear conflicts in Slovenia and neighbouring countries (Action A.1)

As a result of the analyses we also produced maps showing density and hot-spots of different types of damages caused by bears in Slovenia.

Maps showing density of different types of damages caused by bears in Slovenia (Action A.1)

Latest A.1 actions:

Guidelines for bear intervention groups

Within the project Action A.1 we prepared common Guidelines for bear intervention groups (BIG). They include the protocol with recommendations [...]

December 2nd, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation, E2 Education of officials|Comments Off on Guidelines for bear intervention groups

3rd steering group meeting and intervention group workshop

Between October 20 and 22 workshops for the preparation of guidelines for population level management and intervention group protocols, and [...]

October 26th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, C10 Intervention groups, Conflict mitigation, F1 Project coordination|Comments Off on 3rd steering group meeting and intervention group workshop

Workshops for the bear intervention teams in Croatia

Between September 21 and 24 workshops for the bear intervention groups (BIG) took place in Lika area, Croatia. In total more [...]

October 1st, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|Comments Off on Workshops for the bear intervention teams in Croatia

Exchange experience – Romania

Between June 16 and 21 our project team visited Romania for an exchange experience between LIFE projects. The contents of [...]

July 6th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation, F2 Networking|Comments Off on Exchange experience – Romania

Bear intervention group meeting

On April 21st and April 22nd the workshop for the members of the intervention groups for large carnivores took place [...]

April 25th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|Comments Off on Bear intervention group meeting

Analysis of human-bear conflicts

We finished with the analysis of registered human-bear conflict cases. Analysis was performed within Action A.1. We analysed the occurence [...]

April 15th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|Comments Off on Analysis of human-bear conflicts