Latest D. actions:

Home range of bear Ā»RokĀ« in our online database

We already reported about movements of brown bear male Ā»RokĀ« in the pre-Alpine area (see the link here), and now [...]

Ā»RokĀ« the brown bear from Ā»Trnovski gozdĀ« in Slovenia ā€“ what is he doing?

The brown bear male from the pre-alpine area of western Slovenia, nicknamed Rok at the time of capture, was the [...]

Another bear radio-collared in the Prealpine zone

After our previous bear capture for research and management purpose in the Prealpine hills of Slovenia, another alarm message set [...]

We collared a bear in Trnovski gozd

Last month, we set up a Culvert trap in the area of Trnovski gozd to capture a bear in order [...]

Radio-collared another bear in Trentino, Italy

In Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy, Forest and Fauna Service team has captured a young male bear, weighing 129 kilograms, [...]

Traffic related bear mortality – yearly report on effectiveness of mitigation measures

In the second half of the year 2017 and the first half of 2018, we continued monitoring the effectiveness of [...]