ACTION E.4 – Project website and Facebook profile

World wide web and Internet in general have already become the most efficient media for sharing information. The website information will be often and regularly updated and will reach wider public. By setting up Facebook profile and Twitter especially youth and middle aged public will be additionally reached with contents of the project.

The project website will contain general information about the project and project outputs – information, educational and media material. The structure of the website will follow the structure of the project. Strongest emphasis will be on the topics of human-bear coexistence.

A special sub-site about damage prevention measures will be developed and will include all existing damage prevention measures for protection against three large carnivores, instructions on how to prevent bear habituation and safety guidelines for safe interaction with bears. In long-term perspective, the sub-site will represent a central base of protection measures not just against large carnivores, but also other game species, birds, small carnivores and omnivores.

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