Slovenia is counting its bears

In September 2023, we will commence another bear non-invasive genetic sampling, employing the methods and best practices developed in the [...]

July 31st, 2023|News, Population monitoring, Public participation|

Project team on TV broadcast about brown bear population management Members of the project team discussed the management of the bear population in Slovenia and the biology of the [...]

New education points in Dina Pivka, Slovenia

Dina Pivka Centre on Large Carnivores in Dinaric Mountains, Slovenia has expanded their offer for visitors this year, acquiring three [...]

May 19th, 2023|Ecotourism, Public attitudes|

Honeyweek in Dinaric Mountains, Slovenia

In Pivka municipality in Dinaric Mountains of Slovenia, the week from 22nd to 28th May 2023 will be colourful with [...]

May 17th, 2023|Ecotourism, Public attitudes, Public participation|

Compost bins made by LIFE DINALP BEAR useful also in North America

Bear-proof compost bins, developed for the first time in the LIFE DINALP BEAR project in Slovenia, are an important measure [...]

Livestock guarding dogs continue to protect livestock also after the project

Livestock guarding dogs (LGDs) are one of the more effective measures for protecting livestock from large carnivores attacks. In the [...]

July 19th, 2021|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation, F3 After LIFE|

Home range of bear »Rok« in our online database

We already reported about movements of brown bear male »Rok« in the pre-Alpine area (see the link here), and now [...]

»Rok« the brown bear from »Trnovski gozd« in Slovenia – what is he doing?

The brown bear male from the pre-alpine area of western Slovenia, nicknamed Rok at the time of capture, was the [...]

Opening of the forest trail and educational point Mašun

On the occasion of this year's “Week of Forests”, organized by Slovenia Forest Service, the opening of the forest educational [...]

Good practice from the LIFE DINALP BEAR project live on

As part of the project Opazujem-Varujem, in which Slovenia Forest Service and Zavod Kočevsko participated as partners, experts from the [...]