Brown bear presence and spatial planning in Croatia

In Croatia, Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb organized an educational seminar for different experts working in spatial planning [...]

Handbook for integrating brown bear presence in spatial planning

In the Dinarics, traffic related mortality represents a major cause of brown bear mortality and also limits bear expansion into [...]

Why is brown bear removal a necessary measure for bear conservation in Slovenia?

Slovenia is considered as a country with efficient conservation and management system of its brown bear population. Beside being in [...]

26th international Conference on bear research and management concluded

The main theme of the “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” was human-bear coexistence [...]

How did the bear abundance in Slovenia and Croatia change during the past 20 years?

Molecular genetics has been the primary method used to estimate bear abundance in the past 10 years. However, due to [...]

Traffic related bear mortality – yearly report on effectiveness of mitigation measures

In the second half of the year 2017 and the first half of 2018, we continued monitoring the effectiveness of [...]

For the first time in Croatia the size of the brown bear population has been scientifically estimated

In the period from September to December 2015, LIFE DINALP BEAR project team organized genetic sampling on the territory of [...]

Report on bear population size estimate has been prepared

As an output of the project action C.5 “Establishment and optimization of an integrated, population-level surveillance of brown bear conservation [...]

Two post-doc positions available in Slovenia

Two postdoc positions within the projects “LIFE DINALP BEAR” and “Development of a multi­method approach to study wildlife behaviour: investigating [...]

Bears or other wildlife will cross the state road safer now

New dynamic traffic sign was installed along the state road Ljubljana – Kočevje (south from Turjak) in Slovenia. The execution [...]

February 13th, 2018|Bear mortality, C4 Traffic mortality, Conflict mitigation|