ACTION C.7 – Supplemental feeding of bears with carrion

In collaboration with local hunting managers we will establish experimental supplementary feeding of bears with carrion from wild ungulates on 20 selected feeding places that are currently supplied with maize and fruits (see also Action A.5). In order to better understand the effects of feeding bears with carrion and to compare it with feeding only with maize and fruits, in the first year half (10) feeding sites will be supplied with carrion and other half (10) only with corn and fruits, and vice versa next year. In order to monitor the effectiveness of supplemental feeding of bears with carrion we will use automatic video cameras, direct observations and telemetry (see also Action D.1).

Since effectiveness of feeding bears with carrion is not well understood, findings of this action will probably have important consequences for future bear management. This action might also be important for the period of LIFE DINALP BEAR project itself. Within the action the additional animal food sources for bears will be provided, which will compensate for other natural carrion that is currently being artificially removed from the ecosystem due to poor awareness of importance of carrion among the public and some managers. Additional animal food sources will also compensate for anthropogenic food sources, which will be removed within Action C.1.

We will use automatic IR video cameras to provide footage of bears scavenging on wild ungulates in order to demonstrate scavenging as important part of ecosystem functioning and importance of carrion for the bears. These footage will be used within public awareness raising actions (E.1 and E.2).

Availability of carrion from wild ungulates as food source for bears in Slovenia

Feeding site use and food type preference of brown bears in Slovenia


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