Seminar on coexistence with large carnivores in Belluno

On Friday, 19th October 2018, a seminar on impacts on game species and coexistence with large carnivores was held in [...]

26th international Conference on bear research and management concluded

The main theme of the “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” was human-bear coexistence [...]

We have prepared a proposal for the regulation of bear watching activities

Our project team is coordinating preparation of the strategy and action plan for bear management in Slovenia. During the process, [...]

First workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia

On 11th July 2018, 1st LIFE DINALP BEAR workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia [...]

Also young ornithologists get to know bear

Youth Ornithology Camp took place from 24th June to 1st July 2018 in Zelše, Slovenia. 24 participants under the mentorship [...]

A bear workshop at the Elementary School in Krasno, Croatia

We conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Dr. Milan Anić in Krasno (Croatia) on 30th May. About thirty pupils [...]

LIFE Capacity building Slovenia supports applicants for the new call of proposals

The project LIFE Capacity building Slovenia held an information workshop for applicants for EU LIFE funding in Ljubljana, Slovenia. They [...]

June 1st, 2018|F2 Networking, Public participation|

Communication in large carnivore conservation and management – A workshop

From 16th to 18th April 2018, an international workshop entitled "Communication in large carnivore conservation and management" was organized in [...]

A communication workshop coming up!

“Communication in large carnivore conservation and management” is a title of a networking and experience exchange workshop, which will be [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the international workshop about damage prevention

In February, project members from Slovenia Forest Service attended the international workshop entitled Prevention and compensation of damages from large [...]

March 7th, 2018|Conflict mitigation, F2 Networking, Management plans|