Youth Ornithology Camp took place from 24th June to 1st July 2018 in Zelše, Slovenia. 24 participants under the mentorship of seven experienced mentors were stationed at the Cerknica hunting lodge in Zelše. The camp was organized by DOPPS – Birdlife Slovenia and Notranjska Regional Park. Although the main theme of the camp were birds, one morning was enriched by the lecture on bear ecology and conservation. LIFE DINALP BEAR project team from the Department of Forestry from the Biotechnical Faculty presented project actions, goals and achievements, too. Participants were also acquainted with some guidelines on proper behaviour in the forest in bear areas, and on recommended behaviour when meeting a bear. All groups went out every evening in search for a glimpse of our largest carnivore, but without success. As students were talking while walking, a potential bear in the vicinity had had enough possibilities to avoid them.