On 11th July 2018, 1st LIFE DINALP BEAR workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia was held at the Faculty of Forestry of University of Zagreb. The workshop was planned within A.6 action of the project. Organization was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate for forestry, hunting and wood industry. The aim of the workshop was to transparently discuss topics for the revised Brown Bear Management Plan with all interested stakeholders. Representatives from national authorities, hunting organizations, researchers, and NGOs were present – 40 participants in total. Presentations about current bear management, recorded mortality, distribution area, counting of bears with non-invasive sampling methods and genetic estimate of population were carried out. Public attitudes survey was presented, as well. Afterwards, a constructive discussion took place. Next workshop will likely take place in October 2018.
First workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia
Nives Pagon2018-09-25T06:43:31+02:00July 23rd, 2018|A6 Common guidelines, Management plans, Population monitoring|