Head of the LIFE Programme visits Slovenia

Head of the LIFE Programme at the European Commission, Mr Angelo Salsi, visited Slovenia on 26th and 27th of November. [...]

26th international Conference on bear research and management concluded

The main theme of the “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” was human-bear coexistence [...]

Hunters and bears

How do hunters get along with big predators on their grounds? That’s a question, which bothers mainly those countries, where [...]

For the first time in Croatia the size of the brown bear population has been scientifically estimated

In the period from September to December 2015, LIFE DINALP BEAR project team organized genetic sampling on the territory of [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR and LIFE Wolfalps together for promoting livestock guarding dogs

Last week, our project partner Provincia Autonoma di Trento promoted a conference about livestock guarding dogs (LGDs), in collaboration with [...]

A handbook on protecting sheep against large carnivore attacks has been published

The Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, and Slovenia Forest Service have published a handbook about prevention measures of [...]

On bear hot-topics in popular articles

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team has published 24 popular articles so far (16 in Slovenian, 4 in English, 4 in [...]

Wonderful bear photos – new posters

Partner of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project Provincia Autonoma di Trento has published three posters with wonderful bear images. Bears [...]

November 24th, 2016|Communication campaign, E5 Media, Public attitudes|

Press conference at the beginning of the distribution of bear-proof compost bins

Municipality of Sodražica is the first area in Slovenia where we started with the distribution of bear-proof compost bins within [...]

A brown bear named „Rudolf“ becomes popular in Austria

A few weeks ago a brown bear named „Rudolf“ hit the headlines. It is very likely, that he originates from [...]

June 27th, 2016|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness, E5 Media|