
A bear in Trentino, Italia, captured, radio-collared and released

Two nights ago a young, subadult male bear entered a tube trap in the area of Lasino, Trentino (IT), set [...]

Brown bear workshop for social integration programme participants

Our project team was hosted by the "Familja" Education and therapy center, which is implementing a social integration programme helping [...]

The importance of human dimensions and communication in large carnivore conservation presented to biology students in Maribor

Yesterday, the Biology department of Faculty of Natural sciences and mathematics (University of Maribor) hosted members of our project team. Students [...]

A workshop on brown bear for young scouts

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team gladly responded to an invitation of scouts from Celje, Slovenia, to prepare a workshop on [...]

Introductions of additional brown bear individuals to Slovenia and Croatia are urgently needed

Our latest research indicated severe genetic impoverishment of brown bear population in Slovenia and Croatia, which represents the northern edge [...]

April 1st, 2017|News|

New teacher’s handbook about the brown bear

Why is it so important to invest in education about the brown bear? Bears have been coexisting with humans for [...]

Discover Dinarics is online!

Bear related ecotourism is an increasingly attractive tourism topic. Following the demand, the offer is quickly developing.  Bear conservationist are [...]

March 27th, 2017|Activities, C, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|

LIFE DINALP BEAR presented at LIFE Information Day

Nacional Contact Point (NCP) for LIFE program for Croatia of Ministry of Nature Protection and Energetics of Republic of Croatia [...]

8 young “project” livestock guarding dogs joined new owners

We are proud to say that eight young dogs from the first “project” litter of livestock guarding dogs (nine males [...]

First brown bear educational workshops carried out in Croatia

This March, the first educational workshops on the brown bear for elementary and secondary schools took place in Croatia. The goal [...]