Nacional Contact Point (NCP) for LIFE program for Croatia of Ministry of Nature Protection and Energetics of Republic of Croatia organized LIFE program INFO DAY on March 21, 2017 at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel. After introductory presentation from representative of NCP, currently active LIFE projects in Republic of Croatia in which Croatian organizations participate as coordinators or as beneficiaries were presented. In total 7 active projects were demonstrated and DINALP BEAR among them. Presentations can be seen on this link. As final presentation possibilities of loan applications from „The Natural Capital Financing Facility“ program of European Investment Bank were communicated. Over 100 participants were present.
LIFE DINALP BEAR presented at LIFE Information Day
Jasna Mladenovič2017-03-27T12:46:54+02:00March 27th, 2017|Activities, Communication campaign, E, E1 Public awareness, F, F2 Networking, News|