Bear related ecotourism is an increasingly attractive tourism topic. Following the demand, the offer is quickly developing.  Bear conservationist are more and more concerned about the potential negative effects of the tourism for the bear population. To address these concerns we have developed guidelines. Moreover, we want to bring some more attention to the responsible bear tourism practices in the Dinarics Mountains. For this purpose, we have created an online portal Discover Dinarics.

We are aware that conservation of wildlife is the key foundation for a long-lasting, sustainable and successful wildlife tourism. This is still the main stream of our attempts and efforts to connect different providers of tourism activity related to bear.

Bear related ecotourism is providing important economic opportunities for local communities. It is even more – an opportunity to educate people about bears, their habitat, about the mechanisms behind human-bear conflicts and ways to reduce them. Thus, it has a high potential for enhancing brown bear value for public appreciation.

The portal is not only promoting bear tours, but active experience in bear-habitat, where you can enjoy your hiking and biking activity, good local food and as well get insight into some interesting products made by local people, like cheese, honey or other souvenirs, labelled bear-friendly.

Bear label is awarded to products of livestock breeders, beekeepers, fruit growers and other farmers as well as to companies and craftsmen or even touristic offer, which are contributing to coexistence between bears and human and are applying bear friendly practices or actively promoting bear conservation.

All these products, honey, cheese, meat products and handicrafts equipped with the bear-friendly label highlight the connection between bears and local communities, give additional value and sense of recognition to the use of bear-friendly practices and improve the coexistence between humans and bears. Feel free to explore our bear friendly producers and get in contact if you want to be one of them.

Together with the Institute Factory for sustainable tourism GoodPlace and tour agency Visit GoodPlace we have prepared a set of exemplary tours, that represent a responsible bear practices in bear related tourism, which is also in accordance with our Guidelines.

We collaborate with partners that are not only carefully designing sustainable touristic products and promoting responsible practices in nature-based tourism, but are also proud to give up a proportion of their profit for nature conservation. Specifically, for each product booked through Discover Dinarics, a share of at least 5% goes to nature conservation nongovernmental organisations that are registered and active in Dinaric countries.

Feel free to join us in this platform and contribute to bear conservation in the Dinarics.