
There is enough suitable habitat for bear in the Alps and the Dinarics, but it is strongly fragmented

In the scope of LIFE DINALP BEAR A.3 Action we have analysed habitat suitability and connectivity for brown bear in [...]

Traffic related bear mortality – yearly report on effectiveness of mitigation measures

In the second half of the year 2017 and the first half of 2018, we continued monitoring the effectiveness of [...]

We have prepared a proposal for the regulation of bear watching activities

Our project team is coordinating preparation of the strategy and action plan for bear management in Slovenia. During the process, [...]

New bear friendly tourism products as a follow up of our Discover Dinarics study tour

Discover Dinarics study tour was organized in September last year to present best practice bear related tourism products, that follow [...]

July 27th, 2018|C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News, Public attitudes|

First workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia

On 11th July 2018, 1st LIFE DINALP BEAR workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia [...]

A travelling photo exhibition at the National Park Northern Velebit and Zagreb ZOO

For the first time, the LIFE DINALP BEAR’s travelling photo exhibition “Life with bears” is placed in two localities at [...]

Also young ornithologists get to know bear

Youth Ornithology Camp took place from 24th June to 1st July 2018 in Zelše, Slovenia. 24 participants under the mentorship [...]

Educational workshop for children with special needs

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team has together with special education teachers prepared and implemented an educational workshop about bears for [...]

Excursion to National park Šumava and Bavarian forest

Slovenian LIFE DINALP BEAR project team, together with other Slovenian stakeholders in the process of large carnivores conservation and management, [...]

A bear workshop at the Elementary School in Krasno, Croatia

We conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Dr. Milan Anić in Krasno (Croatia) on 30th May. About thirty pupils [...]