For the first time, the LIFE DINALP BEAR’s travelling photo exhibition “Life with bears” is placed in two localities at the same time: The exhibition was open at the “Velebit House” in Krasno in the Northern Velebit National Park on 30th May, and in the Zoological Garden in Zagreb on 6th July. Namely, the ZOO in Zagreb made copies of the photographs with methods that enable exhibits to be displayed outdoors.
The International Photo Contest “FINDING BEARINGS”, dedicated to the conservation of brown bear and the coexistence of bear and human, was held in March and April 2017. The authors presented their vision of coexistence with the largest European carnivore. 34 authors from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Italy, Poland and Romania participated with 86 photos. The international jury selected the best photos for the travelling exhibition “Life with Bears”.
By September this year, the original exhibition will travel back to Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the occasion of 26th IBA conference. For the current location of the exhibition, check the project web-page.
You are kindly invited to visit the exhibition!