Good news from Brussels: European Commission chose the nominees for this year’s “LIFE AWARDS”. And guess what: LIFE DINALP BEAR has been selected as one of the 15 finalists for the LIFE Awards 2020!
The Awards recognise the most innovative, inspirational and effective LIFE projects in three categories: climate action, environment and nature protection.
LIFE DINALP BEAR will compete for the award in the category “Nature protection” among five nominees all together (LIFE for Safe Grid, WOLFLIFE, LIFE+SCALLUVIA, LIFE-Aurinia).
To us, the project team members, this nomination represents a confirmation of all the efforts that were dedicated to our work, confidence in the results achieved and a motivation to continue our way. It is our belief and our experience that using the right tools, measures, participation processes and implementation in local environment, coexistence with large carnivores is an ever more reachable goal for the entire society. Compromises have to be reached by all involved parties, but the ultimate goal is shared by every single European: to leave the biodiversity of this planet in a shape, that will guarantee prosperous life of our descendants.
Thank you for your support.