Last month, our project steering group reached a breaking point with submitting project’s “Final Report” to the European Commission and our co-financers.
We have also produced a “Layman’s Report” for general public, where we summarized in a comprehensive and interesting manner project objectives, background, challenges, and results, which we achieved during the last five years of work. We invite you to read it for more information about project achievements.
Done this, our project has – after reaching its final stages already in June – come to an end. Nevertheless, our mission continues, as with this project we achieved some exemplary good practices of contributing to decreasing human-bear conflicts and increasing tolerance towards human-bear coexistence. To guarantee the continuation of our contribution to brown bear conservation, we produced an After LIFE Conservation Plan. With this, we want to ensure that the results of the project will be used, disseminated and communicated also after the end of the project and that the activities started during the project will become a regular practice in the trans-boundary brown bear management in the project area.
Likewise, we are looking forward to maintain our collaboration and trust among project partners, which has proven crucial for achieving aims in our trans-boundary conservation efforts.