After the completion of the LIFE-awarded project LIFE DINALP BEAR, best practice examples are carried on. Ten new bear-proof containers, like they were developed within the LIFE DINALP BEAR project, were installed under the supervision of the Slovenia Forest Service team in the frame of Carnivora Dinarica project, which is financed by the Interreg Slovenia-Croatia cooperation scheme.
We installed ten new bear-proof garbage bins at four new locations: Ecomuseum of “Pivška presihajoča jezera”, CŠOD Rak, Dolenje jezero near Cerknica and two bus stops in the Municipality of Loška dolina. In the frame of Carnivora Dinarica project, the action was carried out in cooperation with JerMAT d.o.o., Municipality of Loška dolina, Notranjska Regional Park, Municipality of Pivka, CŠOD Rak, Municipality of Cerknica and company Publikus.