High-school students about brown bear

In March, along with the projects Nat2care and YOUrALPS, presentation about brown bear and other large carnivore species was held [...]

20 educational workshops in Croatia

During the project, we held 20 educational workshops on brown bear in Primary and Secondary schools in Croatia. We visited [...]

Bear workshops at schools

In the last few months, we conducted ten more workshops about bears in Croatia: at the Elementary school Gerovo, Elementary [...]

What do children learn in bear workshops?

During the project we conducted many educational workshops on the brown bear for elementary and secondary schools, which holds true [...]

A bear workshop at the Elementary School in Krasno, Croatia

We conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Dr. Milan Anić in Krasno (Croatia) on 30th May. About thirty pupils [...]

Tracking large carnivores – Open Door Day at Slovenia Forest Service and Slovenian Forestry Institute

On Tuesday, May 29th, Open day was organised as part of the “Week of Forests” at Slovenian Forestry Institute and [...]

Scouts encountered large carnivores again

Also this year, we participated in scouting event called Feštival – an event organized in Tivoli park in Ljubljana. Our stand [...]

About brown bears at the Primary school

On Monday, May 14th, we organized an educational workshop at the "Notranje Gorice" primary school, Slovenia in cooperation with LIFE [...]

Following bear footsteps on the Open door day at the Slovenian Forestry Institute

Slovenian Forestry Institute and Slovenian Forest Service opened their doors on Wednesday, 24/05/2017, where we participated with the presentation of [...]