During the project we conducted many educational workshops on the brown bear for elementary and secondary schools, which holds true for Croatia as well. The goal was to bring certain facts and curiosities pertaining to bears life closer to students within Science and Biology classes. During the workshops, children learn about bear anatomy, ecology and behaviour, as well as methods of preventing conflicts between bear and human. Students learn how scientists study bears and what type of equipment they use, for example radio-telemetric collars. They also examine bear skull, fur and other items associated with life of our largest carnivore. They express their creativity also with producing a mould of the bear paw.

On 20th February 2019, we  conducted another workshop in Ogulin for pupils of 6th, 7th and 8th grade. The workshop roused great interest among the pupils and they actively participated. They were also interested in the practical part of the workshop: making models of bear paws and calculating bear population abundance.