EUROPARC Federation is the network of protected areas in Europe and one of organisation’s key aims is also promotion of good practice in the management of protected areas. As the representative body of Europe’s protected areas they facilitate international co-operation in all aspects of protected area management to improve and conserve our shared natural inheritance. Therefore, they created a toolbox as a mean for protected area managers to access information quickly and learn about others’ experience in regards to protected area management. Now, you can find LIFE DINALP BEAR project as a case study on large carnivores management across borders in their toolbox. This is also our opportunity to showcase our work and experience, and reach additional audience across Europe.
LIFE DINALP BEAR as a case study for EUROPARC Federation
Nives Pagon2017-04-10T06:31:51+02:00April 10th, 2017|Communication campaign, F2 Networking, Public attitudes|