About Tomaz Berce

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So far Tomaz Berce has created 163 blog entries.

Second meeting with local hunters

On 8th July 2016 we had a meeting with representatives of hunting clubs LD Velike Poljane and LD Dolenja vas. [...]

July 25th, 2016|Bear mortality, C4 Traffic mortality|

A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict

We are pleased to announce the release of Dr. Seth Wilson’s A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict: Strategies and Tips for [...]

Representatives of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project at the IBA conference in Alaska (USA)

Between June 12 and 16 2016 the 24th International Conference on bear research and management was held in Alaska (USA). [...]

July 14th, 2016|Communication campaign, F2 Networking|

Presentation of the Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict to italian damage inspectors and intervention teams

On June 28 2016 a meeting has been held in Trento (Italy) to explain to local field personnell involved in [...]

A brown bear named „Rudolf“ becomes popular in Austria

A few weeks ago a brown bear named „Rudolf“ hit the headlines. It is very likely, that he originates from [...]

June 27th, 2016|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness, E5 Media|

Project info point in ZOO Ljubljana

Since Saturday, june 4th, there is a new LIFE DINALP BEAR info point available in ZOO Ljubljana, next to the [...]

Plan for distribution of electric fences and implementation of bear-proof garbage containers and compost bins

Based on the analysis of spatial distribution of bear-related conflicts in Slovenia (within Action A.1) and in cooperation with local [...]

4th steering group meeting

Between May 24 and 25 2016 a steering group meeting took place in Plitvička jezera National Park, Croatia. Partners from [...]

Search of “Buk’s” collar and den site

On May 11 2016 in cooperation with NP Una in Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE DINALP BEAR team from Croatia participated [...]

May 26th, 2016|Communication campaign, F2 Networking, News|


On May 10, 2016 in Zagreb, a presentation named „GORANS AND BEARS“ was held in premises of „GORANIN“ - association [...]