We are pleased to announce the release of Dr. Seth Wilson’s A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict: Strategies and Tips for Effective Collaboration with Communities. The guidebook offers new tools and innovative approaches for field-level practitioners who want to conserve and manage brown bears and wolves that inhabit human-modified landscapes. The guide offers practical tips for effective communication and proven strategies for building partnerships and collaborations with the people who live with large carnivores. A core message found throughout the guidebook is that positive working relationships among wildlife managers, local communities, and other stakeholders is fundamental for addressing, reducing, and preventing human-carnivore conflict in a meaningful way.
The guidebook was developed with the input and support from damage inspectors and intervention team members from Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, and Austria. Additionally, individual representatives from the LIFE DINALP Bear Project from the Slovenia Forest Service, Forestry and Wildlife Department of the Autonomous Province of Trento-Italy, University of Ljubljana, University of Zagreb, and University of Veterinary Medicine-Vienna all provided Dr. Wilson with valuable ideas and insights that were incorporated into the guide.
We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Wilson for his contributions to the LIFE DINALP BEAR Project over this past year and look forward to future collaborations.
Here you can find the online version.