Lectures for Slovenian damage inspectors and BIG members

On 22th and 23th of August 2016, we held 2 lectures (Kočevje, Mašun) for Slovenian damage inspectors and bear intervention [...]

A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict

We are pleased to announce the release of Dr. Seth Wilson’s A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict: Strategies and Tips for [...]

First Slovenian bears fitted with GPS collars

Understanding brown bear behaviour in areas where there are many opportunities for them to cause problems to people is crucial for [...]

Presentation of the Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict to italian damage inspectors and intervention teams

On June 28 2016 a meeting has been held in Trento (Italy) to explain to local field personnell involved in [...]

Open Day of Slovenian beekeeping at the tourist farm Pri Lazarju

On Friday, 17th June 2016 there was an Open Day of Slovenian Beekeeping also at the tourist farm Pri Lazarju. [...]

Plan for distribution of electric fences and implementation of bear-proof garbage containers and compost bins

Based on the analysis of spatial distribution of bear-related conflicts in Slovenia (within Action A.1) and in cooperation with local [...]

Bear-resistant compost bins are ready!

Company Vrtnarstvo Klemen Trobec s.p. has produced and delivered altogether 100 bear-resistant compost bins in two sizes (100x100x100 cm in [...]

May 25th, 2016|C1 Organic waste, Conflict mitigation|

Science day in Sodražica primary school

On the 16 of May, students and teachers from the Sodražica primary school hosted a successful science day that focused on [...]

Establishment and training of the Bear Intervention Team (BIT) in Veneto

The Bear Emergency Team of the Veneto Region has been officially established by approving Decree nr. 2 of 26.01.2016: with [...]

Brown bear intervention group established in Veneto

At 27.01.2016 the Brown Bear Intervention Group in Veneto has been officially established, involving personnel from the National Forest Service [...]

January 27th, 2016|C10 Intervention groups, Conflict mitigation|