Latest C. actions:

Tourist guide educational course

An educational course for the future tourist guides was carried out in Kočevsko region in March, in collaboration with the [...]

Illegal rubbish dumps detected with the help of telemetry

Within the C1 action, illegal rubbish dumps were detected, based on telemetry data of radio-collared bears, gathered in D1 action. [...]

Workshops for local inhabitants on the »hot-spots«

Because of the constant need of raising awareness about proper and consistent use of prevention measures, namely bear-proof garbage- and [...]

Bear-proof compost bins are fully effective, but proper anchoring is needed

The purpose of bear-proof compost bins is preventing bears from accessing anthropogenic organic remains and therefore from attracting bears to [...]

Cooperation with local experts on the hot-spots

On the »hot-spots«, areas, where bears wander near the human settlements most often, we started to locally address the problems [...]

How the bear sees the world

The interactive event »How the bear sees the world« was organized at the Biotechnical faculty at the Department of forestry [...]