The interactive event »How the bear sees the world« was organized at the Biotechnical faculty at the Department of forestry on 21st February 2019. It started with a short introduction of the project LIFE DINALP BEAR and goals of the research of bear behavioural patterns with radio-telemetry techniques and video-camera on its collar.
Afterwards, the participants were viewing the videos, recorded by the camera on the bear’s collar. They were inserting data into the database for further analysis. They also had the opportunity to examine the collar with the attached camera and the tranquillizer dart. At the end there was a buffet with the gigantic pizza outdoors.
Due to an extraordinary interest in this event, the applications were closed in 2 days after the announcement, and more than 60 adults and 10 children participated at the event. It seems that this topic is highly interesting to a vast variety of audience. 42 questionnaires were filled in at the end and all of the participants stated that they would participate again. Since many others wanted to come but did not get the chance this time due to space limitations, we are planning to repeat the event.
You can find two videos from the bear’s collar here: on the first video the bear is following a female and in the second it is seeking insects in a rotten log. More interesting videos from the bear’s collar can be found on their Facebook page.