Field inspectors using online geo-portal

In the frame of renovation of our geo-portal and brown bear database, we carried out a workshop for authorised personnel [...]

Minutes of the Workshop for Transboundary Monitoring available

In May, University of Ljubljana organized a two-day workshop. The workshop was organized in frame of the project LIFE DINALP [...]

Il nostro web geodatabase ha un nuovo look

Hai già provato il nostro portale web? Ti invitiamo a visitare il nostro geodatabase che è possibile interrogare attraverso [...]

Our internet-based geo-database has a new look

Have you tried out our web geo-portal yet? We invite you to visit the geo-database, where you can browse [...]

Workshop for Transboundary Monitoring of Brown Bear Population

Efforts towards population-level monitoring has been one of the crucial objectives of our project. A two-day workshop entitled “Transboundary Harmonization [...]

La popolazione dell’orso nei Pirenei

Parte del team di progetto proveniente da Italia e Slovenia ha appena trascorso una settimana molto istruttiva e proficua nei [...]

Networking in the Pyrenees

Project team from Italy and Slovenia just spent a very informative and fruitful week in the Pyrenees, learning about brown [...]

We collared a bear in Trnovski gozd

Last month, we set up a Culvert trap in the area of Trnovski gozd to capture a bear in order [...]