LIFE DINALP BEAR on a high-school forestry camp

We introduced LIFE DINALP BEAR project to the participants of the summer forestry camp, taking place in the heart of [...]

Open-Door Day at Vetmeduni Vienna

Visitors had the opportunity to look ā€žbehind the scenesā€œ at the Open Door Day of the University of Veterinary Medicine [...]

Two bears radio-collared in Slovenia this spring

In the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project we radio-collared 2 bears in Slovenia in the last four weeks. They [...]

June 23rd, 2017|D1 Conflict behaviour, Population monitoring|

LIFE DINALP BEAR organises another meeting for production of Brown bear Common Management Guidelines

Members of LIFE DINALP BEAR project, WISO platform, and Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Space have met in a picturesque [...]

6th LIFE DINALP BEAR project steering group meeting

6th meeting of the project steering group was carried out on 17th-18th May in south Slovenia, in the brown bear [...]

Bear eco-tourism in Croatia

In the beggining of April our Slovene and Croatian teams met in Croatia to explore the possibilities of bear eco-tourism [...]

May 16th, 2017|C6 Ecotourism|

Bear-proof garbage containers for better coexistence with bears

In the springtime, after the denning period, bears start to search for food intensively. Attracted by garbage, compost piles and [...]

A bear in Trentino, Italia, captured, radio-collared and released

Two nights ago a young, subadult male bear entered a tube trap in the area of Lasino, Trentino (IT), set [...]

A workshop on brown bear for young scouts

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team gladly responded to an invitation of scouts from Celje, Slovenia, to prepare a workshop on [...]

Workshop ā€œManaging brown bear across the Alps, the Dinaric mountains and beyondā€ in Venice

One of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project objectives is establishment of common guidelines for brown bear management on a population [...]