What do children learn in bear workshops?

During the project we conducted many educational workshops on the brown bear for elementary and secondary schools, which holds true [...]

Slovenian and American bear-related eco-tourism experience

After the IBA conference in Ljubljana in September 2018, several bear experts from USA joined us in the field. We made [...]

Non-governmental organizations received first “Discover Dinarics” funds

One of the basic principles of ecotourism is to provide benefits for the local population and nature conservation. Tour operators [...]

There is enough suitable habitat for bear in the Alps and the Dinarics, but it is strongly fragmented

In the scope of LIFE DINALP BEAR A.3 Action we have analysed habitat suitability and connectivity for brown bear in [...]

New bear friendly tourism products as a follow up of our Discover Dinarics study tour

Discover Dinarics study tour was organized in September last year to present best practice bear related tourism products, that follow [...]

July 27th, 2018|C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News, Public attitudes|

Stakeholders for Slovenian brown bear management strategy met again

In Ljubljana, during the process of developing new Strategy of brown bear management in Slovenia, stakeholders have met for the [...]

Common guidelines for population-level management of brown bear issued

Common guidelines for brown bear management on a population level are now ready. We consider them an important achievement, as [...]

World Animal Day at lake Bundek

As part of marking the World Animal Day on October 4th, a programme, based on this year's campaign for the [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR was presented in Rome and Pisa

On September 25th and 26th, presentation of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and brown bear research in Croatia was held at [...]

6th LIFE DINALP BEAR project steering group meeting

6th meeting of the project steering group was carried out on 17th-18th May in south Slovenia, in the brown bear [...]