Testing the efficiency of electric-doormats as a protection measure

Since Autumn 2018 and within action C.2, we have been testing the efficiency of electric-mats as an alternative protection measure [...]

February 21st, 2019|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|

Lecture in Kozjansko regional park, Slovenia

On 24th January 2019, we held a lecture about large carnivores and the golden jackal at the Kozjanski regional park [...]

“Safe grazing” – website about the measures for protecting property

Within the LIFE DINALP BEAR project, the new website “Safe grazing” was established. The purpose of this website is to [...]

New Bulletin issue “LIFE with bears”

We have prepared the fourth issue of the project bulletin “LIFE with bears”. In the fourth year of the project, [...]

Communication workshop Report available now

Planning communication activities, implementing and evaluating them are recognized as crucial points for a successful large carnivore conservation. In the [...]

Educational workshops for Scout Association of Slovenia

Scouts spend a significant amount of time in nature - also in the areas with large carnivores presence. That is [...]

Head of the LIFE Programme visits Slovenia

Head of the LIFE Programme at the European Commission, Mr Angelo Salsi, visited Slovenia on 26th and 27th of November. [...]

26th international Conference on bear research and management concluded

The main theme of the “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” was human-bear coexistence [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR supports Code of Conduct in Nature

On Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Forestry Institute and the Slovenian Forest Service held a presentation of the "Visiting Nature [...]

Bear-proof garbage- and compost bins serve their purpose well so far

In spring 2017, we implemented some measures for reducing occasions of bear visits to settlements in Slovenia: the bear-proof garbage [...]