In the field with Biology Students Association

In winter, members of the Biology Student Association went to Kočevska Reka (Slovenia), in order to get acquainted with the [...]

International Forestry Studentsā€™ Association learns about co-existence with bears

In March, International Forestry Studentsā€™ Association (IFSA) had their Winter Meeting in Slovenia. Students from Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, [...]

March 30th, 2018|F2 Networking, Public attitudes, Public participation|

Report on bear population size estimate has been prepared

As an output of the project action C.5 ā€œEstablishment and optimization of an integrated, population-level surveillance of brown bear conservation [...]

About responsible bear-tourism practices on Natour Alpe-Adria fair in Ljubljana

LIFE DINALP BEAR participated at a Natour Alpe-Adria fair in Ljubljana, which took place from 31st January to 3rd February. [...]

Travelling photography exhibition ā€œLife with Bearsā€ arrives in Zagreb

International conservation and coexistence photo contest ā€œFINDING BEARINGSā€, dedicated to brown bear conservation and human-bear coexistence possibilities, was held during [...]

New posters about coexistence with brown bear

Due to the high interest we redesigned and reprinted project posters about human and bear coexistence. In addition to larger [...]

Beekeepers from Idrija will protect their beehives against bear damages

On 25th October 2017, we held an educational workshop at the city beehive in Idrija, Slovenia, where we presented the [...]

January 22nd, 2018|C2 Damage cases, Public attitudes, Public participation|

Kindergarten children learn about bears and forest

LIFE DINALP BEAR project visited a kindergarten in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where we held a workshop on bearā€™s life, morphology, its [...]

Another meeting among Slovenian stakeholders

The fourth meeting with stakeholders in the process of developing a new Strategy for brown bear management in Slovenia was [...]

Stakeholders for Slovenian brown bear management strategy met again

In Ljubljana, during the process of developing new Strategy of brown bear management in Slovenia, stakeholders have met for the [...]