Networking with IMPEL – EU Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law

Yesterday, the LIFE DINALP BEAR project team from the Biology department of Biotechnical Faculty (University of Ljubljana) hosted a group [...]

Bear intervention teams gather in Trentino

On 17th November 2016 the meeting of Bear intervention teams (BIT) promoted by the action E.2 of LIFE DINALP BEAR [...]

Processing samples from intensive sampling at full speed

Transfer of (part of) bear scat to a Petri dish and then to a storage buffer. Samples are then [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the workshop of the EU Platform for coexistence of people and large carnivores

Our project team members have attended the 3rd Regional Workshop of the Platform for Coexistence of People and Large Carnivores that [...]

Genetic sampling of brown bears in north-western part of Slovenia

In December 2015, we finished with a very successful collection of genetic materials in the area of regular presence of [...]

Press release from PAT: Bear equipped with GPS collar in Valle dello Sporeggio

Provincia Autonoma di Trento published the press release about the bear capturing planned in the Action D.1 of the LIFE [...]

Press release in Croatia: Counting bears and collecting of samples has started

On the occasion of the implementation of the action of counting bears in Croatia and Slovenia by using genetic sampling [...]

Media release on progress of sampling bear scats

An important aspect in managing bears is to know the population status, especially regarding its size. One activity in LIFE DINALP [...]

Workshops for monitoring (genetic sampling) of brown bear and wolf in Slovenia

On August 17 and August 18, workshops for monitoring of brown bear (Life DinAlp Bear) and wolf (Slovenian national monitoring) [...]

T-shirt design contest is over

Deadline for sending in your t-shirt designs is over. Everyone who participated will receive a thank you gift (a T-shirt [...]

August 13th, 2015|C5 Population surveillance, Population monitoring|