The Conference on Large Carnivores’ Protection in the Carphatians

The Conference on Large Carnivores' Protection in the Craphatians was held in Roznov pod Radhostem (Czech Republic) from 18 to [...]

November 7th, 2016|Communication campaign, F2 Networking|

GPS tracking of bear movement in Slovenia

Within the LIFE DINALP BEAR project 3 bears have been so far fitted with GPS collars in Slovenia – 2 [...]

October 26th, 2016|Conflict mitigation, D, D1 Conflict behaviour, News|

First bear-proof compost bins set up in the field!

In October we started with setting up the first bear-proof compost bins in the field. With this measure we are [...]

October 21st, 2016|C1 Organic waste, Conflict mitigation|

Brown bear educational workshops at schools in the bear area

In October, our first DINALP BEAR educational workshops for primary and high school students were organized. The purpose of this [...]

Press conference at the beginning of the distribution of bear-proof compost bins

Municipality of Sodražica is the first area in Slovenia where we started with the distribution of bear-proof compost bins within [...]

Our bear-friendly honey bread on Iceland

Gingerbread, manually produced by the Institute for preservation of cultural heritage Nesseltal Koprivnik, was recently awarded our bear friendly label. [...]

September 30th, 2016|Activities, C, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|

A new leaflet published: Keep bears wild and away from human foods

We are proud to announce the release of a new publication – the leaflet entitled Keep bears wild and away [...]

Third visit of the project monitor

On September 21 2016 the steering group meeting was held at Slovenia Forest Service premises in Ljubljana. On September 22 [...]

September 29th, 2016|Communication campaign, F1 Project coordination|

Video surveillance of bears in the area of state road Ljubljana – Kočevje in 2016

The second video surveillance to monitor the presence and behaviour of bears and other wildlife in the vicinity of the [...]

September 28th, 2016|Bear mortality, D2 Traffic related mortality|

Networking with LIFE Slovenia

On Friday, September 16th, "Capacity building for our environment", a networking event organized by LIFE Slovenia team, took place at [...]

September 20th, 2016|F, F2 Networking, News, Public attitudes|