When household waste or organic materials are not properly stored, bears can become frequent and unwelcomed visitors at human settlements. One way to reduce this problem is to store organic waste in a NEWLY designed bear resistant composting container (see also our first testing of garbage container bear-proofness). The very first prototype of a bear-proof compost bin was made in September. It was designed by renowned Slovenian architect prof. Janez Suhadolc and made by Severles d.o.o. It is made of local solid oak and is long lasting in all weather conditions. We tested the effectiveness of the compost bin at bear feeding site in the forests of Snežnik where up to 12 wild bears tried to access the container. The compost bin prototype proved to be effective once we properly fixed the container to the ground (see video below). We are now preparing the first hundred compost bins in two sizes (1 x 1 x 1 m and 0,8×0,8×0,8 m) for use in conflict hotspot areas.
Check out the video: