Lecture in Kozjansko regional park, Slovenia

On 24th January 2019, we held a lecture about large carnivores and the golden jackal at the Kozjanski regional park [...]

Educational workshops for Scout Association of Slovenia

Scouts spend a significant amount of time in nature - also in the areas with large carnivores presence. That is [...]

First workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia

On 11th July 2018, 1st LIFE DINALP BEAR workshop for the revision of the Brown Bear Management Plan in Croatia [...]

Travelling exhibition ā€žLIFE with bearsā€œ moved to Plitvice

The international travelling photo exhibition, organised in the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and entitled ā€žLIFE with bearsā€œ, was [...]

New posters about coexistence with brown bear

Due to the high interest we redesigned and reprinted project posters about human and bear coexistence. In addition to larger [...]

Wishing you a happy New Year

We wish you an inspiring, adventurous and peaceful New year 2018, with lots of uplifting moments spent in nature. At [...]

January 3rd, 2018|F1 Project coordination, Public attitudes|

Stakeholders for Slovenian brown bear management strategy met again

In Ljubljana, during the process of developing new Strategy of brown bear management in Slovenia, stakeholders have met for the [...]

World Animal Day at lake Bundek

As part of marking the World Animal Day on October 4th, a programme, based on this year's campaign for the [...]

Pupils fascinated by the bear workshop in Rijeka

On 3rd October, we conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Nikola Tesla in Rijeka, Croatia. Over thirty pupils participated [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR was presented in Rome and Pisa

On September 25th and 26th, presentation of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and brown bear research in Croatia was held at [...]