Photography exhibition »Life with bears« on the new location

On September 1st 2017, our photography exhibition has moved from the first location at Slovenian Museum of Natural History to the [...]

Bear-proof garbage containers for better coexistence with bears

In the springtime, after the denning period, bears start to search for food intensively. Attracted by garbage, compost piles and [...]

A bear in Trentino, Italia, captured, radio-collared and released

Two nights ago a young, subadult male bear entered a tube trap in the area of Lasino, Trentino (IT), set [...]

Introductions of additional brown bear individuals to Slovenia and Croatia are urgently needed

Our latest research indicated severe genetic impoverishment of brown bear population in Slovenia and Croatia, which represents the northern edge [...]

April 1st, 2017|News|

The second LIFE DINALP BEAR project bulletin issued

We are introducing a new issue of the yearly bulletin, which summarizes some of the most insightful and interesting events [...]

Wonderful bear photos – new posters

Partner of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project Provincia Autonoma di Trento has published three posters with wonderful bear images. Bears [...]

November 24th, 2016|Communication campaign, E5 Media, Public attitudes|

Video surveillance of bears in the area of state road Ljubljana – Kočevje in 2016

The second video surveillance to monitor the presence and behaviour of bears and other wildlife in the vicinity of the [...]

September 28th, 2016|Bear mortality, D2 Traffic related mortality|

Video surveillance of bears in the area of state roads

The first video surveillance to monitor the presence and behaviour of bears in the vicinity of the state roads in [...]

December 30th, 2015|Bear mortality, D2 Traffic related mortality|