Lecture for employees of “Slovenian Railways” in Postojna

On 23rd June 2017, ERICo institute and Slovenian Forest Service held a presentation about brown bears and wolves for employees [...]

Captured and radio-collared a bear in Trentino

On Tuesday evening in val Algone, Italy, a female bear in great health condition and weighing 110 kg was captured, [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR organises another meeting for production of Brown bear Common Management Guidelines

Members of LIFE DINALP BEAR project, WISO platform, and Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Space have met in a picturesque [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR and LIFE Wolfalps together for promoting livestock guarding dogs

Last week, our project partner Provincia Autonoma di Trento promoted a conference about livestock guarding dogs (LGDs), in collaboration with [...]

Press conference on bear-proof garbage containers

Municipality of Kostel is one of the first areas in Slovenia, where we implemented bear-proof garbage containers. At six locations, [...]

Workshop “Managing brown bear across the Alps, the Dinaric mountains and beyond” in Venice

One of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project objectives is establishment of common guidelines for brown bear management on a population [...]

The second LIFE DINALP BEAR project bulletin issued

We are introducing a new issue of the yearly bulletin, which summarizes some of the most insightful and interesting events [...]

Bear intervention teams gather in Trentino

On 17th November 2016 the meeting of Bear intervention teams (BIT) promoted by the action E.2 of LIFE DINALP BEAR [...]

Representatives of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project at the IBA conference in Alaska (USA)

Between June 12 and 16 2016 the 24th International Conference on bear research and management was held in Alaska (USA). [...]

July 14th, 2016|Communication campaign, F2 Networking|