Radio-collared another bear in Trentino, Italy

In Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy, Forest and Fauna Service team has captured a young male bear, weighing 129 kilograms, [...]

Also young ornithologists get to know bear

Youth Ornithology Camp took place from 24th June to 1st July 2018 in ZelŔe, Slovenia. 24 participants under the mentorship [...]

Knowledge transfer and exchange of experience with German foresters

On Thursday, 31th May, we hosted a group of German foresters in Slovenian Karst region. Our colleague from the Regional [...]

The Museum of Natural History has a bear info point

Interactive terminal with contents about bears and the project has a new host: it is located in the Museum of [...]

About brown bears at the Primary school

On Monday, May 14th, we organized an educational workshop at the "Notranje Gorice" primary school, Slovenia in cooperation with LIFE [...]

Travelling exhibition ā€žLIFE with bearsā€œ moved to Plitvice

The international travelling photo exhibition, organised in the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and entitled ā€žLIFE with bearsā€œ, was [...]

How to effectively protect beehives against brown bear damage? A new documentary

Organisations Palorma Nature and Pro Natura from Switzerland, in cooperation with several other partners (WWF Switzerland, LIFE DINALP BEAR project, [...]

International Forestry Studentsā€™ Association learns about co-existence with bears

In March, International Forestry Studentsā€™ Association (IFSA) had their Winter Meeting in Slovenia. Students from Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, [...]

March 30th, 2018|F2 Networking, Public attitudes, Public participation|

Two post-doc positions available in Slovenia

Two postdoc positions within the projects ā€œLIFE DINALP BEARā€ and ā€œDevelopment of a multiĀ­method approach to study wildlife behaviour: investigating [...]

Travelling photography exhibition ā€œLife with Bearsā€ arrives in Zagreb

International conservation and coexistence photo contest ā€œFINDING BEARINGSā€, dedicated to brown bear conservation and human-bear coexistence possibilities, was held during [...]