On May 8th Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS) organised workshop “Wildlife on highways” on the Jable castle, Mengeš near Domžale. More than 120 participants had opportunity to listen several talks on problematic of wildlife (including brown bear) entering highways’ corridors, wildlife-vehicle collisions, wildlife road-mortality and mitigation measures, given by road managers, population managers, hunters, veterinarians, and researchers from Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, respectively. Two talks were dedicated also towards the LIFE DinAlp Bear project, with emphasis on the presentation of the Action C.4 (Decrease of traffic-caused bear mortality). Boštjan Pokorny (ERICo Velenje) gave talk “Traffic and large species of wildlife: problems, status and experiences with mitigation measures in Slovenia and Europe”, in which he also presented main goals and activities of the Action C.4 at the Slovene highways. Similarly, Bojan Vivoda (Autocesta Rijeka-Zagreb d.d.) presented several activities that have already been implemented on the highway Rijeka-Zagreb (Croatia).