A communication workshop coming up!

ā€œCommunication in large carnivore conservation and managementā€ is a title of a networking and experience exchange workshop, which will be [...]

Report on bear population size estimate has been prepared

As an output of the project action C.5 ā€œEstablishment and optimization of an integrated, population-level surveillance of brown bear conservation [...]

New livestock guarding dogs’ pups available

We continue with the distribution of livestock guarding dogs, as a new project litter is available on Sedmak farm. At [...]

March 12th, 2018|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the international workshop about damage prevention

In February, project members from Slovenia Forest Service attended the international workshop entitled Prevention and compensation of damages from large [...]

March 7th, 2018|Conflict mitigation, F2 Networking, Management plans|

Project team meets at a steering group meeting

Yet another project steering group meeting has been organised by the project coordinating partner, this time in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Project [...]

February 23rd, 2018|F1 Project coordination, Population monitoring|

About responsible bear-tourism practices on Natour Alpe-Adria fair in Ljubljana

LIFE DINALP BEAR participated at a Natour Alpe-Adria fair in Ljubljana, which took place from 31st January to 3rd February. [...]

Two post-doc positions available in Slovenia

Two postdoc positions within the projects ā€œLIFE DINALP BEARā€ and ā€œDevelopment of a multiĀ­method approach to study wildlife behaviour: investigating [...]

Travelling photography exhibition ā€œLife with Bearsā€ arrives in Zagreb

International conservation and coexistence photo contest ā€œFINDING BEARINGSā€, dedicated to brown bear conservation and human-bear coexistence possibilities, was held during [...]

Bears or other wildlife will cross the state road safer now

New dynamic traffic sign was installed along the state road Ljubljana ā€“ Kočevje (south from Turjak) in Slovenia. The execution [...]

February 13th, 2018|Bear mortality, C4 Traffic mortality, Conflict mitigation|

New posters about coexistence with brown bear

Due to the high interest we redesigned and reprinted project posters about human and bear coexistence. In addition to larger [...]