About Tomaz Berce

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So far Tomaz Berce has created 163 blog entries.

Presentation for mountaineers: about bears and project

We presented bears and LIFE DINALP BEAR project to participants of mountaineers' summer camp. All generations, from children to elders, [...]

July 14th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Distribution of sampling kits for genetic counting of brown bears (Action C. 5) started in Croatia

Distribution of sampling kits for collecting brown bear fecal samples for genetic analyses in Croatia started yesterday (9.7.2015) with three [...]

Action plan for reducing road mortality of brown bear in Slovenia

Action plan for the implementation of the mitigation measures for reducing road mortality of brown bear in Slovenia, which was [...]

July 13th, 2015|A4 Bear-vehicle collisions, Bear mortality|

Exchange experience – Romania

Between June 16 and 21 our project team visited Romania for an exchange experience between LIFE projects. The contents of [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR T-shirt Design Contest

We’re looking for an original motive for T-shirt, as this one on the picture, that will be distributed to hunters and [...]

First testing of garbage container »bear-proofness«

We started with testing the »bear-proofness« of garbage containers. In ZOO Ljubljana we set a garbage container in which the [...]

July 3rd, 2015|C1 Organic waste, Conflict mitigation|

Workshop: Protection measures against large carnivores

On June 4th, Slovenian Ministry for the environment and spatial planning organized a workshop for damage inspectors and agricultural advisors. [...]

Presentation of the Action C.4 (Decrease of traffic-caused bear mortality) at the workshop “Wildlife on Highways”

On May 8th Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS) organised workshop “Wildlife on highways” on the Jable castle, [...]

May 26th, 2015|Bear mortality, C4 Traffic mortality|

Bear intervention group meeting

On April 21st and April 22nd the workshop for the members of the intervention groups for large carnivores took place [...]

April 25th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|

2nd steering group meeting

On April 20th 2015 the project steering group met for the second time from the start of the project. 36 [...]

April 24th, 2015|Communication campaign, F1 Project coordination|