Bear-proof garbage- and compost bins serve their purpose well so far

In spring 2017, we implemented some measures for reducing occasions of bear visits to settlements in Slovenia: the bear-proof garbage [...]

26th International bear conference hosted by LIFE DINALP BEAR in Ljubljana

This week more than 250 bear researchers and bear managers gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on the “26th International Conference on [...]

Are you interested in protecting your herd with the livestock guarding dogs? You can find all the necessary information in the newly issued handbook

Livestock guarding dog protecting the herd. Photo: T. Berce, LIFE DINALP BEAR If we want to maintain the [...]

We have prepared a proposal for the regulation of bear watching activities

Our project team is coordinating preparation of the strategy and action plan for bear management in Slovenia. During the process, [...]

Also young ornithologists get to know bear

Youth Ornithology Camp took place from 24th June to 1st July 2018 in ZelĆĄe, Slovenia. 24 participants under the mentorship [...]

Excursion to National park Ć umava and Bavarian forest

Slovenian LIFE DINALP BEAR project team, together with other Slovenian stakeholders in the process of large carnivores conservation and management, [...]

A bear workshop at the Elementary School in Krasno, Croatia

We conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Dr. Milan Anić in Krasno (Croatia) on 30th May. About thirty pupils [...]

Intervention kit to help livestock breeders in emergency cases

On Tuesday 30th May, project team from Slovenia assisted a livestock breeder, who suffered from a large-scale depredation by large [...]

LIFE Capacity building Slovenia supports applicants for the new call of proposals

The project LIFE Capacity building Slovenia held an information workshop for applicants for EU LIFE funding in Ljubljana, Slovenia. They [...]

June 1st, 2018|F2 Networking, Public participation|

Tracking large carnivores – Open Door Day at Slovenia Forest Service and Slovenian Forestry Institute

On Tuesday, May 29th, Open day was organised as part of the “Week of Forests” at Slovenian Forestry Institute and [...]