Slovenian Armed Forces and encounters with large carnivores

On 9th March 2017, we held a presentation about brown bears and wolves for officers of the Slovenian Armed Forces [...]

New PlayDecide kit developed for better understanding of different stakeholders

As part of LIFE DINALP BEAR project, a new version of PlayDecide kit "Human and brown bear in Slovenia" was developed. It [...]

Monitoring the presence of a bear near garbage cans on Vojsko plateau, west Slovenia

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team reacted on local inhabitants’ request for information, as they were being faced with a garbage [...]

The second LIFE DINALP BEAR project bulletin issued

We are introducing a new issue of the yearly bulletin, which summarizes some of the most insightful and interesting events [...]

Bear-proof compost bins now available for commercial use

Bear-proof compost bins that are already being distributed for free as part of a project conflict-mitigation measures, are now available [...]

Science day in Sodražica primary school

On the 16 of May, students and teachers from the Sodražica primary school hosted a successful science day that focused on [...]

Genetic sampling of brown bears in north-western part of Slovenia

In December 2015, we finished with a very successful collection of genetic materials in the area of regular presence of [...]

Project on the Nature-Health Fair

Last week we attended the 46th Nature-Health Fair at Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The purpose of the fair is [...]

Protection against damage caused by brown bears on beehives

Three articles about the effective protection against damage caused by brown bears on beehives were published in the September 2015 [...]

Following the bear tracks

On May 27th (during the Slovenian forest week 2015) Slovenia Forest Service and Slovenian Forestry Institute organized the workshops for [...]

May 28th, 2015|E1 Public awareness, Public participation|