Project info point in ZOO Ljubljana

Since Saturday, june 4th, there is a new LIFE DINALP BEAR info point available in ZOO Ljubljana, next to the [...]

Plan for distribution of electric fences and implementation of bear-proof garbage containers and compost bins

Based on the analysis of spatial distribution of bear-related conflicts in Slovenia (within Action A.1) and in cooperation with local [...]

4th steering group meeting

Between May 24 and 25 2016 a steering group meeting took place in Plitvička jezera National Park, Croatia. Partners from [...]

Search of “Buk’s” collar and den site

On May 11 2016 in cooperation with NP Una in Bosnia and Herzegovina LIFE DINALP BEAR team from Croatia participated [...]

May 26th, 2016|Communication campaign, F2 Networking, News|


On May 10, 2016 in Zagreb, a presentation named „GORANS AND BEARS“ was held in premises of „GORANIN“ - association [...]

Bear-resistant compost bins are ready!

Company Vrtnarstvo Klemen Trobec s.p. has produced and delivered altogether 100 bear-resistant compost bins in two sizes (100x100x100 cm in [...]

May 25th, 2016|C1 Organic waste, Conflict mitigation|

Science day in Sodražica primary school

On the 16 of May, students and teachers from the Sodražica primary school hosted a successful science day that focused on [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the workshop of the EU Platform for coexistence of people and large carnivores

Our project team members have attended the 3rd Regional Workshop of the Platform for Coexistence of People and Large Carnivores that [...]

Acoustic deterrents now help bears to escape cars faster

In April, we completed the installation of acoustic deterrents into the roadside traffic pillars on the regional road Ljubljana – [...]

May 4th, 2016|Bear mortality, C4 Traffic mortality|

Conference and debate: The brown bear in Trentino (Italy)

On Tuesday 19th April, the staff of the Forestry and Wildlife Department,  partner of LIFE DINALP BEAR project, has met [...]

May 3rd, 2016|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|