Workshop “Managing brown bear across the Alps, the Dinaric mountains and beyond” in Venice

One of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project objectives is establishment of common guidelines for brown bear management on a population [...]

New PlayDecide kit developed for better understanding of different stakeholders

As part of LIFE DINALP BEAR project, a new version of PlayDecide kit "Human and brown bear in Slovenia" was developed. It [...]

Natour Alpe-Adria fair and responsible bear tourism practices

This Saturday, the international Natour Alpe-Adria fair closed its doors. Almost 330 tourism providers from 15 countries were presented. As [...]

February 6th, 2017|Activities, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|

Guidelines for responsible use of brown bear in tourism highlighted as an example of best practice

Wildlife observation is an important part of ecotourism offerings in different parts of Europe and North America. Brown bear is [...]

Preventing traffic related bear mortality in Slovenia

In 2016, we were monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented to prevent traffic related bear mortality along sections of [...]

Networking with IMPEL – EU Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law

Yesterday, the LIFE DINALP BEAR project team from the Biology department of Biotechnical Faculty (University of Ljubljana) hosted a group [...]

Monitoring the presence of a bear near garbage cans on Vojsko plateau, west Slovenia

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team reacted on local inhabitants’ request for information, as they were being faced with a garbage [...]

The second LIFE DINALP BEAR project bulletin issued

We are introducing a new issue of the yearly bulletin, which summarizes some of the most insightful and interesting events [...]

Project coordinator receives acknowledgement for his exceptionally conscientious and diligent work

LIFE DINALP BEAR project coordinator, Rok ÄŚerne, received acknowledgement for his exceptionally conscientious and diligent work at the Slovenia Forest [...]

January 12th, 2017|Communication campaign|

First Tornjak pups available in February

In December 2016, we announced the first litter of project livestock guarding dogs in Slovenia. Little pups are growing up [...]

January 10th, 2017|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|