Bear workshops at schools

In the last few months, we conducted ten more workshops about bears in Croatia: at the Elementary school Gerovo, Elementary [...]

What do children learn in bear workshops?

During the project we conducted many educational workshops on the brown bear for elementary and secondary schools, which holds true [...]

New Bulletin issue “LIFE with bears”

We have prepared the fourth issue of the project bulletin “LIFE with bears”. In the fourth year of the project, [...]

Happy holidays

It is the time of sharing memories, uplifting spirits and whispering hopes for the New Year. When we look back [...]

Communication workshop Report available now

Planning communication activities, implementing and evaluating them are recognized as crucial points for a successful large carnivore conservation. In the [...]

Educational workshops for Scout Association of Slovenia

Scouts spend a significant amount of time in nature - also in the areas with large carnivores presence. That is [...]

Head of the LIFE Programme visits Slovenia

Head of the LIFE Programme at the European Commission, Mr Angelo Salsi, visited Slovenia on 26th and 27th of November. [...]

European Commission checks the progress of LIFE DINALP BEAR

In the middle of September in Ljubljana, project steering group received a visit from Desk officers from European Commission in [...]

26th international Conference on bear research and management concluded

The main theme of the “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” was human-bear coexistence [...]

Hunters and bears

How do hunters get along with big predators on their grounds? That’s a question, which bothers mainly those countries, where [...]